What is whistleblowing?
Whistleblowing is the raising of a concern, either within the workplace or externally about a danger, risk, malpractice or wrongdoing which affects others.
- Criminal activity – for example fraud.
- Danger to health and safety.
- Any incidences of bribery.
- Any incidences of facilitating tax evasion.
- Any behaviour that harms the reputation or financial wellbeing of the firm – for example bullying and harassment.
- Negligence.
- Unauthorised disclosure of confidential information.
The deliberate concealment of any of the above matters.
When should you blow the whistle?
We’d like you to come forward as early as possible – for example when you have a reasonable belief or even just a genuine concern about suspected wrongdoing.
You don’t need to provide evidence in order for us to investigate your concern.
Submitting your concern
The button below will take you to an online submission form which allows internal individuals (staff) and external individuals (members of the public and third party supplier staff) to raise a concern confidentially.
Whilst disclosures can be accepted from any person - regardless of whether they are an employee or not – note that the level of protection we can offer to external individuals will be lower.
Please be assured that your concerns will be properly addressed. There will be no reprisals if you do raise an issue, unless it is later proved that the information you provided was knowingly false.
You can raise your concern anonymously
If you believe you have grounds to raise a concern you can use this form to do so either confidentially or anonymously.
If you want to disclose information confidentially, please include your contact details in question 1.
If you want to disclose information anonymously, simply leave question 1 blank and do not sign the form.